
ChatGPT: Random Password Generator Tool Prompt

 Design a complete responsive code for a Random Password Generator tool in HTML with CSS and JavaScript. Implement features like password length adjustment, options for including uppercase/lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.


  • Write a complete responsive code for a Random Password Generator tool.
  • Allow users to specify password length and include options for uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters.
  • Implement a strength meter to indicate password complexity.
  • Provide a copy-to-clipboard button for easy use.
  • Ensure the generated passwords are secure and meet best practices.

Write a complete responsive code of Random Password Generator with all its features in HTML with CSS and JavaScript.
  • Features:
  • Specify password length and include options for uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters.
  • Strength meter to indicate password complexity.
  • Copy-to-clipboard button for easy use.
  • Secure and best practice compliant password generation.