
ChatGPT: Unit Converter Tool Prompt

 Create a fully responsive HTML code for a Unit Converter tool using CSS and JavaScript. Features should include multiple unit selections, real-time conversion updates, and the ability to switch between different unit categories.


  • Create a complete responsive code for a Unit Converter tool.
  • Include conversion options for length, weight, volume, and temperature.
  • Provide a user-friendly interface for selecting units.
  • Implement real-time conversion as users input values.
  • Ensure accuracy in unit conversions.

Write a complete responsive code of a Unit Converter tool with all its features in HTML with CSS and JavaScript:

  • Feature 1: Convert between different units of measurement (length, weight, volume, etc.).
  • Feature 2: Select source and target units from dropdown menus.
  • Feature 3: Input field for entering the value to be converted.
  • Feature 4: Instantly display conversion results.
  • Feature 5: Support for both metric and imperial units.
  • Feature 6: Responsive layout for easy unit conversion on various devices